
UX Design
Mobile App

Qudsia Zearlish (Lead Product Design)

Vishal Rathore (UX Design)

Khurram Shahzad (UI Design)

4 Months
UX Research, Strategy & UX Design.

Many individuals need help to stay on top of their supplement intake, health goals, and weight tracking. They need a streamlined solution to integrate these aspects into their daily lives efficiently.

SuppTrack is a forthcoming app designed to help users track supplements, health goals, and weight while providing AI-powered insights. As the lead UX Designer, my role was crucial in researching user needs, creating user journeys, and developing core design elements.


Our research revealed that 70% of users need help to maintain their supplement and health routines. This insight led us to prioritize ease and user-centric features in our design.

We identified three main behavioral patterns among our users:

  1. Routine Oriented: Consistent supplement intake and use of health-tracking apps.
  2. Health Enthusiasts: High health investment with a focus on vitamin levels, mood, and sleep.
  3. In Need of Guidance: Help with reminders for supplement intake, weight tracking, and education on supplement-medication interactions are required.

User Personas

We developed detailed user personas to guide our design decisions. These personas helped us align the app’s features with the needs of our target audience.

Persona 1:
Routine Health Enthusiasts consistently take supplements, use health-tracking apps, and monitor metrics like vitamins, mood, and sleep.

Persona 2:
Simplicity Seekers prefer a straightforward approach, take fewer supplements, need reminders, and seek educational support, with an interest in weight tracking.

Userflows & Wireframes

We developed wireframes and interactive prototypes to bring our design vision to life. These prototypes were tested with users to refine usability and functionality.

Usability Testing and Feedback

We conducted usability testing with selected group and it revealed that 85% of users found SuppTrack intuitive, and 90% appreciated the AI recommendations. This positive feedback validates our design choices and sets the stage for further refinement.

Design & Prototypes

The design and prototyping of SuppTrack were led by Khurram, with my assistance based on usability results and wireframes. Together, we focused on creating a user-friendly interface that meets user needs.

MVP Key Features

For our Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we concluded the essential features are:

  • Supplement Tracker: Log and monitor daily supplement intake.
  • Health Goals: Set and track personal health milestones.
  • AI-Powered Recommendations: Get tailored advice to enhance supplement routines.
Live Project
Conclusion and Key-points

Designing SuppTrack was a rewarding journey, emphasizing the importance of user-centric design and behavioral insights. Here are some key takeaways:

  • User-Centric Design: Tailored features like supplement tracking, health goals with AI recommendations, and a weight tracker were created to meet specific user needs.
  • Behavioral Insights: Recognizing the habits of routine-oriented health enthusiasts versus simplicity seekers needing guidance helped in designing an intuitive app.
  • Engagement Through Personalization: Personalized reminders, AI-driven recommendations, and educational content keep users engaged and informed.

Key Points of Learning:

  • Detailed user research is crucial for identifying distinct behavioral patterns.
  • Integrating AI enhances personalized user experiences.
  • Simplicity and guidance are essential in health management apps to cater to all user types.


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